Saturday 8 March 2008

Living with my Shadow

Like most IT organisations, mine has a shadow, an underground IT department that is the first to find and try out new gadgets, identify just the right products that make their business units operate more effectively and implement solutions so fast it'll make your head spin.

They are quick, they are nimble, they are smart and guess what they are as well? They are willing to come to you and discuss what they are trying to do to ensure it is right for the business, as long as you have an open door and are willing to give them a fair hearing.

This partnership does not happen overnight though it takes and will continue to take a lot of work but here are some tips to keep all parties on an even keel.

Don't ignore what's going on
It's good to talk, ask them what they are doing and how you can make it good for both them and the business as a whole, remember the old adage "Think Globally Act Locally" well you can bring the big picture to their ideas and help them flesh them out out more fully.

Help navigate them though dangerous waters
These systems may well grow faster than anyone had planned or quickly become insecure Heath Robinson contraptions that are doomed to be abandoned sooner rather than later, so help develop a "Support Ecosystem" for them to ensure their long term viability.

Refuse no reasonable request
Don't be known as Dr No, fully qualify why the solution is not viable and together with your Shadow IT representative find one that is. Remember
"Collaboration" is the watch word of the day not "Command and Control"

Treat them as an extension to your team not separate from it
Share your detailed strategy, goals and thoughts with them this can help both you and them for a number of reasons including:
  • They may be able to help you implement some the technology by being advocates, champions or consultants;
  • They will appreciate knowing what you are working on and may even save time and energy in case they were planning at looking at the same problem;
  • They will tell you if your completely way of base! They may well be a lot closer to the business process in question than you are and will correct you if your assumptions or data is wrong;
  • They will help you identify solutions to problems you can't figure out yourself.

Remember they may know than you do
Working in an IT Department does not mean you know everything, your Shadow IT counterpart's expertise in the technology domain being looked at may diminish your own. Be humble and defer to their knowledge you may just learn something!

Know when to call in SWAT
If your both out of your depth you may need to bring in the consultants, try not to let pride and ego get in the way.

Treat policies as guidelines not as hard and fast rules
Sometimes there's something really comforting about a document saying you can't do something, even when it is outdated and makes absolutely no sense in the current climate. Periodically look at your policies with a critical eye and challenge the areas that don't make sense and adapt them accordingly.

Go Skunk!
Sometimes it will be better to just let them run with the concept alone and see what they come back with as a proof of concept. In these cases treat them like a Skunk works, give them resources, autonomy and a date to synch back up and share their findings and results.

Information Technology is moving at a rapid pace, appreciate and leverage the resources around you don't alienate them.

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