Saturday 12 April 2008

In a world of constant change and multiple paths...

In a world of constant change and multiple paths. sometimes it's great to have certain decisions fixed.

Sometimes too many options are a bad thing and limits to the ability to totally customise your processes or software may be a blessing in disguise because it may force you to adopt standard processes that are common across all business units and typically be corporate best practice, it also eases your upgrade path.

Adoption of a core technology and choice of the leading services that plug directly into it, limits your options sure, but as long as you have a solid core and while you may not have the best of the best of solution for the problem at hand, you may however be way "up there" in the best of class solution for your business.

So before you grab the best solution for X problem, look at the big picture and see how it integrates with "Y", the overall business needs & "Z", the core systems that it will need to interfaces with.

Sometimes you'll find that point solution that you thought was the silver bullet will become an albatross around your neck.

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